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Introducing the California Architectural Practice Experience (capX) Program

capX is a new program developed by the California Architectural Foundation (CAF) to provide a framework for hands-on, practical experience for individuals who have not yet graduated or are very early on their path to becoming licensed architects. The program is outwardly focused, creating a community of architecture firms, emerging professionals, and educational institutions working collaboratively to build a stronger architectural profession in California.

capX is intended to be a flexible resource that may be utilized to its fullest capacity, serve as a supplement to a firm’s existing internship program, or simply as a means of connection to the architectural pipeline. The program is “rolling,” allowing participants to define a timeframe and structure that works best for them: spring / summer / on-going and paid internship, academic credit, or unpaid job shadowing.

Emerging professionals participating in capX will be connected to an AIA Chapter near them and are encouraged to seek valuable networking opportunities and resources available within the AIA.

CAF is launching a closed pilot-test of the program in the spring of 2024 to test its usability and to collect feedback. A full program launch is planned in early 2025. Over time the capX community itself will refine and evolve the program to maximize its relevance and impact to all participants.

What capX Offers

Centralized Structure:
capX serves as a “central hub” bringing AIA firms, emerging professionals, and educational institutions together in support of job shadowing and internship experiences, as well as a platform to share best practices and resources in California.

capX is focused on inspiring more firms (especially small and medium size firms) to actively engage in growing the architectural pipeline by providing emerging professionals with increased opportunities to have hands-on experiences within firms. With that in mind, the program features a flexible “rolling” format to meet the specific needs and schedules all participants.

Valuable Connectivity:
capX supports the architectural profession by forming a statewide community to provide increased insight on trends and issues and a cohort to discover, share, discuss and address challenges proactively.

Accountability & DEI:
capX gives underrepresented emerging professionals an equitable opportunity to gain access to architectural firms. Architects may assure their clients they are part of a program focused on developing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce.

Quantifiable Skills:
Once fully launched, capX will provide two virtual courses to prepare emerging professionals on what to expect and how to gain the most benefit from a firm’s generosity in hosting/hiring them. A key long-term goal of the program is to develop an educational series focused on essential workforce readiness skills to better prepare individuals as they enter the architectural profession.

Legacy & Recognition:
capX provides the architectural professional with a tangible way to “pay it forward.” Through direct engagement, firms demonstrate their support of emerging professionals as they explore the profession of architecture, and make a tangible commitment to inspiring and developing the next generation. Firms are recognized and celebrated for their generosity and engagement through CAF and AIA California channels.

Click here for more information.