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Introducing the California Architectural Practice Experience (capX) Program

The architectural pipeline is fragile and there is a significant need to bolster the pool of skilled professionals to sustain the future health of the profession. Architectural education starts in school, but the skills gained from hands-on experience in an architectural firm are invaluable to ensure success.

The California Architectural Practice Experience program (capX) is a beta-program developed by the California Architectural Foundation (CAF) to provide a framework for students to acquire architectural hands-on/practical experience. The program, due to launch in 2024, is outwardly focused on creating a community of firms, schools, and students working collaboratively to build a stronger architectural profession in California.

capX is intended to be flexible and may be utilized to its fullest capacity or simply supplement an existing firm internship program. Students participating in capX are connected to a local AIA Chapter and receive a free student membership to encourage networking and access to the resources available within the AIA.

The Foundation is excited about the potential of this new beta program. With feedback and engagement from both firm leaders and architecture students, we can shape capX into a valuable, impactful go-to resource.

Stay tuned for more!